Three Simple Ways to Create Memorable Interactions

Although we can't fully control how memorable an interaction is to someone else, there are several things we can do to improve the chance that it is. Here are three simple and effective ones.

Let me start by stating the obvious: A lot of the factors that determine how well someone remembers an interaction with us are completely outside of our control.

But even so, how we show up in a conversation will have a significant effect on the matter. So, in this article, I’m gonna share three very simple and very effective techniques for creating memorable conversations.

Just remember that being memorable isn't about being the loudest, funniest, or most impressive person in the room. It’s about having an interaction that people are more likely to think back on - in a positive way - after it’s over.

Ok, here we go!

1. Create an inside joke or topic

Having an inside joke or a conversational topic that is memorable or interesting to think about is a great way to make an interaction stand out from the crowd.

And we can create these kinds of moments even in the first meetings. 

To get better at creating inside jokes, pay attention to the situation and people around you, and point out the amusing or funny things that you think about what you see. (Just keep it respectful of others, of course.)

And to create an “inside topic”, you can practice asking questions that fall outside of the normal questions people ask and that might encourage conversations that are enjoyable and interesting simply because they’re different.

Among my personal favorites is asking people about their useless talents, their unrealistically perfect vacation, or the title of their autobiography.

Questions like these stand out as unusual, but it’s rare that I don’t receive laughter, smiles, and interesting conversations when I ask them.

The key isn't to force it but to be genuine in creating a moment that feels special to just the two of you. When you do, you're not just another person they met – you're the one who helped create that fun moment they still smile about.

2. Create a shared experience

Instead of just talking, create a shared experience – even if it's tiny.

  • If you're at a party, suggest exploring the venue together to find the best spot. 
  • If you're at a networking event, team up to find the person with the most interesting job title. 
  • If you're at a coffee shop, ask them to help you decide between two drinks you're considering.

These micro-adventures might seem small, but they transform regular interactions into shared experiences and give us something to talk about and think back on later.

As an added bonus, people tend to remember experiences far better than conversations since they engage more of our senses and require us to get more involved than a simple conversation does.

3. Break social autopilot

Most social interactions follow predictable patterns. When we break these patterns (in a positive way), we instantly create stronger shared memories.Examples of this could include:

  • Instead of answering "good" when someone asks how you are, share a genuine moment from your day that made you smile. 
  • Instead of asking how someone knows your mutual friend, ask what they love most about that mutual friend.
  • Instead of asking what someone does for work, ask what they're excited about these days.

The key is to be genuinely interested in creating a real interaction, not just being different for the sake of it.

So don’t just copy these suggestions if they don’t sound right to you.

Take the time to come up with your own questions and answers that sound genuinely interesting or fun to you. (Learn more about how in this article/video.)

Then, start practicing.

Practice with friends, acquaintances, and strangers, and you’ll soon find that far more of your conversations end up being enjoyable and memorable.

Hi, I'm TJ Guttormsen.

Since 2009 I’ve coached clients ranging from Olympic gold medalists and billionaires, to people who simply want more out life.

I’ve done over 100 national media appearances, published books, and created online courses that have earned several “Highest Rated” titles from their 11 000+ members.

Today I coach clients from all over the world, and teach seminars for business and events from my home in Las Vegas.

Come join me in my Facebook group, follow my Instagram, or subscribe to my YouTube channel for fresh content on a regular basis.